Information for Presenters
Oral Sessions
– On-site Presentation
Poster Sessions/Recent Results
– On-site Presentation
– On-site Presentation
Poster Sessions/Recent Results
– On-site Presentation
Oral Sessions
On-site presentation
※ If you have any issue with your on-site presentation or need any assistance, please contact the office at the following email address:
1) Duration of the Presentation
The presentation duration generally allocated to each presenter depends on the number of papers in the session. For instance, in the case of a 90-minute session with six papers, presentation duration is about 12 minutes and Q&A is for 2~3 minutes; or in the case of a 90-minute session with seven papers, presentation duration is reduced to about 10 minutes.2) Equipment in Presentation Room
Each presentation room will have a beam projector and a laptop computer running PowerPoint under MS Windows, equipped with USB port.3) Preparation for Your Presentation Session
Bring a USB memory with your PowerPoint presentation and make sure that your file is copied on the laptop computer in the session room. Please show up 15 minutes before the actual session starts and introduce yourself to the session chair. Be prepared to give some bibliographic details about yourself to the chairperson so that he/she can introduce you before your presentation.※ If you have any issue with your on-site presentation or need any assistance, please contact the office at the following email address:
Poster Sessions/Recent Results
On-site presentation
※ If you have any issue with your on-site presentation or need any assistance, please contact the office at the following email address:
- Every presenters should check their place and time for the presentation.
- Please arrive at the presentation place 10 minutes earlier than the session beginning time and report your attendance to the chair person. If you don't report your attendance, the presentation will not be guaranteed.
- Presentation will last for 90 minutes. (Except P1 session: 120min)
- Every presenters will have a panel of their own in the conference hall. The panels have a session number on the top of it. (Example: [P1-1]) Presenters will attach their presentation material on the panel and prepare their presentation.
- Presentation panel size: 100cm width, 180cm length.
- Presenters can attach a single poster or several small sheets of paper that doesn't exceed the panel size for the presentation as they want.
- It needs to be prepared the presentation materials with the paper title, affiliation, and author name in it.
- Please prepare the presentation materials printed. (It will not be able to print out the materials at the conference.)
- Help desk will provide adhesive tape to attach the materials.
- Presenters will answer the questions faithfully in place until the end of the presentation.
- Remove the presentation materials 5 minutes before the end of the presentation.
※ If you have any issue with your on-site presentation or need any assistance, please contact the office at the following email address: